We are heartbroken to announce the forced closure of Simpsons Tavern
London’s oldest chophouse has been forced to close by the callous actions of our Landlord Tavor Holdings
Please click here to read a full statement
Please click here to read a full statement
Please, if you can, we are fighting hard to stop this process and restore Simpsons back to the Heart of City life. We have started a Crowdfunder page to raise funds and support the team:
Every little helps
Thank you
Every little helps
Thank you
We are heartbroken to announce the forced closure of Simpsons Tavern
London’s oldest chophouse has been forced to close by the callous actions of our Landlord Tavor Holdings
Please click here to read a full statement
Please click here to read a full statement
Please, if you can, we are fighting hard to stop this process and restore Simpsons back to the Heart of City life. We have started a Crowdfunder page to raise funds and support the team:
Every little helps
Thank you
Every little helps
Thank you


In 1723 Thomas Simpson opened his first Fish Ordinary Restaurant in Bell Alley, Billingsgate. His clientele was mainly those who worked in the fish market who bought him fish which he would prepare specially. After the demolition of Bell Alley he resumed work purchasing the Queen's Arms, Bird in Hand Court, Cheapside.
Traditions and customs were strictly maintained at mealtimes by the Chairman who would preside over each meal. It was they who, for instance, would ensure that lunch would start promptly at one, introduce notable guests and measure the cheese. Many of them were noted for their longevity of life.
In 1723 Thomas Simpson opened his first Fish Ordinary Restaurant in Bell Alley, Billingsgate. His clientele was mainly those who worked in the fish market who bought him fish which he would prepare specially. After the demolition of Bell Alley he resumed work purchasing the Queen's Arms, Bird in Hand Court, Cheapside.
Traditions and customs were strictly maintained at mealtimes by the Chairman who would preside over each meal. It was they who, for instance, would ensure that lunch would start promptly at one, introduce notable guests and measure the cheese. Many of them were noted for their longevity of life.

Thomas Simpson founded the present site of Simpson's in 1757 which was a gift to him from his father. It is situated opposite The Jamaica Wine House where Pasque Rosee in the mid seventeenth century founded the first London Coffee House.
It was not until 1916 that ladies were admitted and even well into the 20th century 2/- would buy 'The Original Fish Dinner' at one o'clock. Although 2/- will not buy what it did in the 1750's, you can still enjoy everything Simpson's has been noted for over the past 250 years.
Thomas Simpson founded the present site of Simpson's in 1757 which was a gift to him from his father. It is situated opposite The Jamaica Wine House where Pasque Rosee in the mid seventeenth century founded the first London Coffee House.
It was not until 1916 that ladies were admitted and even well into the 20th century 2/- would buy 'The Original Fish Dinner' at one o'clock. Although 2/- will not buy what it did in the 1750's, you can still enjoy everything Simpson's has been noted for over the past 250 years.